WHAT: DEDOS is a Spanish Immersion Arts and Sports Camp run by professional Latinx educators that fosters multi-age community-building through visual arts, theater, music, and sports. LEO (I READ) is a Spanish Immersion Reading option facilitated by Oyster literacy teachers that takes place in the bilingual library. There are before-care and after-care options.
QUE: DEDOS es un campamento de immersion en español de arte y deporte facilitado por profesionales latin@s que construye una comunidad de edades múltiples a través de las artes visuales, drama, música, y deportes. LEO es un programa optional de lectura en español que se lleva a cabo en la biblioteca bilingüe. Existen opciones para cuidado antes y después del horario regular.
Daily Schedule/Horario diario:
Children from rising Kindergarteners through rising 6th graders. You do not have to be an Oyster Adams student to participate.
Niños y niñas que entrarán en kindergarten hasta los que entrarán en sexto grado. No tienen que ser alumn@s de Oyster Adams para participar.
Cancellation policy for Dedos: $50 fee if cancelled before May 1st and $100 after
Questions about DEDOS contact Laura Kleinmann: laura.kleinmann@k12.dc.gov or 240-606-3743
Preguntas sobre DEDOS comunique con Laura Kleinmann: laura.kleinmann@k12.dc.gov o 240-606-3743
ACTIVITY: | Dedos Summer Camp Grades Rising 2nd-3rd |
WHEN: | Jul 15-19, 2024 |
WHERE: | Grace Episcopal Day School (Kensington) |
DIRECTIONS: | View in Google Maps |
TIME: | 9:00am - 3:00pm |
FOR: | Boys & Girls, Grades 2-3 |
COST: | $350 |
BEFORECARE AVAILABLE: | 8:00am-9:00am, $50/week |
AFTERCARE AVAILABLE: | 3:00pm-5:30pm, $100/week |
ADDON OPTIONS: | LEO Reading - $100 |
NOTES: | July 15th-19th, 2024 |
cancellation policy |